EU4Advice Consortium Meeting in Prague

On September 24th and 25th, the EU4Advice consortium was in Prague for the General Assembly meeting hosted by Ceska Zemedelska Univerzita V Praze. During those two days, WP leaders, Living Labs, and coordinators presented the work completed and discussed the next steps. 

This was a fantastic opportunity to showcase our progress, collaborate during working sessions, and catch up with our partners. It has been an inspiring and productive event for the EU4Advice consortium, showcasing the progress and outlining the path forward. Each presentation highlighted the dedication and collaborative spirit driving the project, from establishing the foundational concepts to building networks of advisors, developing ways of working, and discussing the strategy to engage policymakers at multiple levels. 

Jana Pitrová and Tomas Lebrun welcomed the consortium and proved to be outstanding hosts.

The General Assembly was opened by the coordinator,Patricia Mora.


The first partner to present was the University of Ghent, leader of WP1. Edelbis López focused on conceptual and strategic foundations, which include identifying stakeholders and needs. 

Paula de Vera, representing COPA COGECA discussed the work performed in WP2: Integration of SFSC (Short Food Supply Chain) Advisors into 27 National AKIS (Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems) and the Creation of an EU Network of SFSC Advisors. This work package is crucial in connecting advisors across Europe to strengthen and support sustainable food systems.

Afterwards, the Living Labs presented the roadmap for integrating advisors into national AKIS. Viktoria Nagy (Hungary), Davie Philip (Ireland), Mark Frederiks (The Netherlands) and Jorge Molero (Spain).

Adrienn Hegyi, from Campden Bri, presented WP3, which focused on developing content and tools for Short Food Supply Chain (SFSC) capacity building. This work package is dedicated to creating comprehensive resources and practical tools to empower advisors and stakeholders in the SFSC sector.

After that we had a really interesting interactive working session for the pilots’ preparation (for integrating governance best practices).

Agnes Mayor from Kislépték presented the work delivered by WP4, which focused on developing interactions with multilevel policymakers. 

This work package aims to foster collaboration and engagement with policy makers at different levels to ensure that the insights and needs of Short Food Supply Chain (SFSC) stakeholders are effectively integrated into policy discussions.

Katherine Flynn from Iseki Food presented WP5, focussing on the digitalization and consolidation of multi-actor networks. This work package aims to leverage digital tools to connect and strengthen the collaboration among various actors within the Short Food Supply Chain (SFSC) ecosystem.

Blanca Arregui, from AUSTRALO explained the work performed and next steps within WP6, which is dedicated to dissemination, exploitation, and communication. 

This work package is very important in sharing our project’s results, best practices, achievements, and innovations not only with a broader audience, but also with the main targets of EU4Advice, ensuring that the knowledge generated reaches stakeholders, advisors, policymakers, producers or farmers among others.

Juanita Davis, from AMS Institute, gave an overview of the Living Labs, discussed their current situation and next steps.

Living Lab Hungary, led by  Kislépték partner and presented by Victoria Nagy, shared the activities performed and planned in the frame of the project.

Jorge Molero, from Fundación Entretantos, and leader of the Spanish Living Lab, explained the activities foreseen and the next steps for the Living Lab.

Mark Frederiks, from Amped, discussed the latest activities, dynamisation strategy, and co-creation results implemented by Living Lab The Netherlands. He also addressed the following dates for the upcoming events within the Living Lab.

Davie Philip, from Cultivate, discussed the activities delivered and the future plans for Living Lab Ireland.

We had an exciting and interactive working session about the network of policymakers by Stephanie Jongma, from Flevoland.

We also had the chance to visit the amazing food innovation center, the first large infrastructure in the Czech Republic focused on agriculture, nutrition, and food sciences. 

It was clear that the project is on a solid trajectory, thanks to the collective efforts of all partners and Living Labs. As we continue integrating, innovating, and building a more sustainable and transparent food system across Europe, the connections and strategies developed during this meeting will serve as a solid foundation for the impactful work ahead. 

Together, we are taking meaningful steps toward strengthening Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC) and advancing our shared vision for a more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable food future.