Introducing EU4Advice
Main Objective
EU4Advice aims to lay the ground for effective capacity building of SFSC actors, by supporting advisors as catalysers of the knowledge flow from research to practice within an EU network of SFSC advisors, and by promoting the integration of SFSC advisors into national AKIS.
EU4Advice Leaflet
Take a look below and browse through our digital project brochure, highlighting key information and numbers about EU4Advice.
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COREnet is the EU4Advice twin project.
Funded under topic HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-27 – Developing EU advisory networks on
consumer-producer chains, both projects, covering 27 Member States, work in continuous coordination with the aim of contributing to a strong and effective EU SFSC ecosystem.
CoreNET proposes to respond to a fragmented knowledge landscape, coupled with a lack of clarity as
to essential skills and competencies in all phases from farm to fork. The project aims at supporting the systematic development of more effective Short Food Supply Chains advising, based on bringing together public, private and civic advisors through IT-enabled peer-to-peer learning and mutual support.
EU4Advice = AKIS + Multiactor Network
EU4Advice works to create a network of SFSC advisors,
policy-makers, researchers and farmers, working together towards the effective organizational set-up of the AKIS.
EU4Advice targets the most important goals from the Farm2Fork Strategy, as it is intended to promote more sustainable and empowering SFSC models, which constitute a promising and emerging sustainable alternative to globalized food systems, with strong potential to empower both producers and consumers while, at the same time, reducing the environmental footprint and enhancing the competitiveness of
the agri-food system.
Picture used on this page:
Market Day in a Flemish Town – Rijksmuseum, Netherlands – Public Domain.