Don’t miss the Cities Leading FoodProduction workshop!

Don’t miss the Cities Leading FoodProduction workshop!   The Dutch AKIS (Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems), Netwerk Platteland, and Regieorganisatie GLB will host an event on the 19th of December to foster collaboration under the Common Agricultural...

1st webinar of the Resilient Smallholder Initiative

1st webinar of the Resilient Smallholder Initiative   The first webinar organized by the newly created Resilient Smallholder Initiative (RSI) will take place on November 21st, 2024, from 2pm to 4:30 pm CET (UTC+1). The main purpose is to have short presentations...

Don’t miss the Cities Leading FoodProduction workshop

Don’t miss the Cities Leading FoodProduction workshop!   On November 15, Mark Frederiks will give a workshop with Noud Janssen during the Netwerk Platteland / Regieorganisatie GLB meeting called Werkbank 8: Cities Leading FoodProduction. The workshop...