FOOD 2030 Green & Resilient Food Systems, Brussels, December 4-5
In the frame of the FOOD 2030 strategy, the EC’s DG Research and Innovation is organizing the Food 2030 Conference on Green & Resilient Food Systems.
The conference will take place December 4 and 5 in a hybrid format (in-person and online). The conference will focus on the transition towards sustainable, resilient and inclusive food systems for the benefit of the environment and economy.
Registrations will be open soon! For more information, please visit the official conference website.
Network side-event, December 4
EU4Advice and its twin project COREnet are invitied to host a networking side event on December 4, 9:00-12:30, which will focus on
- Collaboration on joint communication, dissemination, and exploitation activities, initiated during the Common Online Workshop on 20 September
- Initiation of cross-project collaboration on systemic solutions for addressing the challenges of transforming the European food system.
More information regarding the agenda and how to register will be shared via our website, soon!